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Monday, January 31, 2011

Way-Cool "Aroma Card" from Vinography .com

Wine expert Alder Yarrow blogs at "When I published the Vinography Aroma Card two years ago I had no idea that it was going to be such a hit. I had been thinking of doing it as a little project for years after getting fed up with seeing all these aroma and flavor guides set up as round wheels in a way that made absolutely no sense to me."

"I guess I wasn't alone in that frustration. Apparently no one else in the world has a round wallet either. The original card has been downloaded thousands of times since it was posted a couple of years ago."
I fell in love with this card as soon as I saw it. Reminds me of a "birding check list." Just wish it had check boxes. Don't think they would be useful, but Vagabonding Lulu LOVES check boxes. Printed a English version and it fits nicely in my wallet. Now I am looking for a New Zealand version for my next wine trip... help, Alder!

If you find this card valuable, I recommend that you go to and make a voluntary donation.


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